Arduino Projects Book - Project 04: Color Mixing Lamp

blinking LEDs can be fun, but what about fading them, or mixing colors? You might expect that it's just a matter of providing less voltage to an LED to get it to fade.


Arduino Projects Book - Project 03: Love-O-Meter

In this project, we will use a temperature sensor to measure the temperature of a person's skin. The warmer your skin the more LED light indicator will be turn on. At the end, we will learn how TMP36 termperature sensor is used to reading off the degree from voltage.


Arduino Projects Book - Project 02: SOS -- Morse Code Emergence Distress Singal

In this lab, I modified the original project to a SOS signal indicator.


Arduino Projects Book - Project 01: Get to Know Your Tools

This is my first project of this book. It’s all about the basic electrical theory, the breadboard, and components in series and parallel. It will take about 30 minutes to complete this project.