2021Summer: Independent Study torward New Career and School at BU

Aim to have a detailed and organized plan for my summer study!

TO-DO List/Backlog:
  1. Extra Personal Website Features to add:
    1. ✔️Familiar with those basic markdown syntax Markdown Guide, and Kramer Style
    2. Learning Bootstrap: bootstrap_tutorial1, bootstrap_tutorial2, bootstrap_tutorial3, and corresponding YouTube videos, and the Cheatsheet (for Bootstrap Syntax, for Visual Demonstration), and a great Web Developement Course from University of Washington.
    3. Familiar with Liquid syntax (starting from Jekyll liquid intro, Liquid Official Doc, and Shopify Liquid docs), and understand hte YAML format from Jekyll Doc Theme 6.0
    4. TO-DO list (Src 1, Src 2, Src 3)
    5. Table of Contents (https://sourabhbajaj.com/js/toc/, https://ndabas.github.io/toc/#Live_Example)
    6. Tag Clouds ( Src 1, Src 2, more on Google https://www.google.com/search?q=jekyll+tag+cloud&oq=jekyll+tag+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3j0i22i30l3j69i60.4662j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
    7. Some other nice features/plugin about Jekyll: 1)Emoij plugins (Jemoij, Gemoji, and completed list of Emoij )
    8. Add an login portal for backend data management.
    9. Add a portal that can connect to my photo sharing and movie recommendation applications (Add all those graduation photots to your photo sharing app, if time allows!).
    10. Design the home page for my knowledge bank, and start thinking about what component I want to put there, and what is the best way to arrange/organize them.
    11. Finish the editing of MPI tutorial, and other 3 labs related to Operating System.
    12. Add a contact page(or leave a message section) on the sidebar module, see a reference here, https://machinelearningmastery.com/contact/
    13. Consistently update those coding algorithms cheatsheet as I learned. (Create a post in draft frist, and start editing in there, don't urge to publish them!
  2. Use Latex to create your resume: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume, and that template that you got on Overleaf
  3. Learning Differential Equation: On Professor Leonard's YouTube, or MIT Differential Equations 18.03
  4. BU Stuff: 1) Finished the BU Immunization Requirement form, and submitted to Patient Connect (Note: there is form inside the Patient Connect that you need to download and fill out), 2) Get the orientation registration done before June 4th: Checklist for BU ENG Student, Checklist for Incoming ENG Graduate Student , 3)Checking In with ISSO.
  5. Learning How to use Notion and Why: 1)Notion Offical Doc, 2) YouTube VIdeo
  6. Finish the Camtaia Tutorial and get their certification: Start from here, https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-camtasia.html?utm_source=product&utm_medium=cs&utm_campaign=cw20
  7. Getting start with AI on Jetson Nano: 1) Github Robotics Teaching Kit with 'Jet', 2) Navdia Free Course: https://courses.nvidia.com/courses/course-v1:DLI+S-RX-02+V2/, 3) JetBot AI Robot Car repository, http://www.yahboom.net/study/JETBOT
English Improvement Learning Resources:
FinTech Learning Resources:
Reading Schedule
Date Topic Notes Extra Reading
5/16 Several way to download video from a pre-recorded website
5/26 Learning Bootstrap: bootstrap_tutorial1, bootstrap_tutorial2, bootstrap_tutorial3, and corresponding YouTube videos
5/27 Learning Google Analytics and Tag managment, and a tool to extract metadata from pictures, called Exif.